Specialista in Neuropsichiatria

Medico chirurgo, specialista in Neuropsichiatra Infantile, esperto nella diagnosi e nell’intervento rivolto alle persone con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico nella prospettiva life-span  è Responsabile del CADc (Centro per l’Autismo e Disturbi correlati), centro specializzato nella diagnosi e nell’intervento rivolto a bambini, adolescenti e adulti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico.

Le attività del CADc sono in linea con le indicazioni nazionali e internazionali per l’intervento rivolto alle persone con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico.

I programmi di intervento sono altamente individualizzati e includono preziose indicazioni derivanti dagli studi condotti nell’ambito delle Neuroscienze Sociali dello Sviluppo.

Patologie trattate/Ambito di intervento

Diagnosi, intervento e follow-up per bambini, adolescenti e adulti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico, collaborazione con le scuole, parent-training, sostegno nelle transizioni dall’infanzia all’adolescenza e dall’adolescenza all’età adulta.


Iscritto all’Albo dei Medici Chirurghi, iscrizione n°3006 del il 12/12/1975.


  • Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia nel 1975 e specializzato in Neuropsichiatria Infantile presso l’Università degli Studi di Sassari nel Giugno del 1979, ha da subito operato nel campo della Neuropsichiatria Infantile.
  • Nel 1999, ha svolto uno stage di formazione della durata di 6 mesi presso il Dan Marino Center, Miami Children Hospital, Florida (USA), un centro specializzato per la diagnosi e l’intervento rivolto a bambini con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico, riconosciuto come Centro d’eccellenza dall’NIH (il National Institut of Health degli Stati Uniti).

Esperienze professionali

Dal 2003 al 2019, il Dr. Giuseppe Doneddu è stato Direttore del Centro per i Disturbi Pervasivi dello Sviluppo dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Brotzu. Sotto la sua direzione, il Centro ha offerto servizi di diagnosi, intervento e follow-up migliaia di pazienti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico, in linea con le indicazioni derivanti dalla letteratura scientifica internazionale.e ha svolto un’intensa attività di formazione che ha coinvolto relatori di rilievo internazionale, tra cui il Prof. Michael Alessandri, Direttore dell’UM-CARD (University of Miami – Center for Autism and Related Disorders) e diversi membri della sua equipe (con diverse specializzazioni, dalle valutazioni psicodiagnostiche all’intervento sullo sviluppo linguistico, l’intervento educativo ecc.), il Prof. Lennart Gustafsson della Lulea University, il Prof. Shigeru Kitazawa dell’Università di Osaka, il Prof. Daniel Messinger dell’Università di Miami.

Leggi di piu

Esperienze professionali

Dal 2003 al 2019, il Dr. Giuseppe Doneddu è stato Direttore del Centro per i Disturbi Pervasivi dello Sviluppo dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Brotzu. Sotto la sua direzione, il Centro ha offerto servizi di diagnosi, intervento e follow-up migliaia di pazienti con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico, in linea con le indicazioni derivanti dalla letteratura scientifica internazionale.e ha svolto un’intensa attività di formazione che ha coinvolto relatori di rilievo internazionale, tra cui il Prof. Michael Alessandri, Direttore dell’UM-CARD (University of Miami – Center for Autism and Related Disorders) e diversi membri della sua equipe (con diverse specializzazioni, dalle valutazioni psicodiagnostiche all’intervento sullo sviluppo linguistico, l’intervento educativo ecc.), il Prof. Lennart Gustafsson della Lulea University, il Prof. Shigeru Kitazawa dell’Università di Osaka, il Prof. Daniel Messinger dell’Università di Miami.


L’intensa attività scientifica del Dr. Giuseppe Doneddu è documentata dalle numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche e dalle numerose presentazioni in convegni internazionali sui Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico, in particolare all’International Meeting for Autism Research (convegno organizzato dall’International Society for Autism Research).

Tra le pubblicazioni del Dr. Doneddu, sono di particolare interesse un manuale dal titolo “I Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico” (2007, Armando Editore) e un articolo pubblicato nel 2019 sulla prestigiosa rivista scientifica Nature, in collaborazione con il CNRS francese.


1) Doneddu G, Fadda R. (2007). I disturbi pervasivi dello sviluppo. ROMA: Armando Editore, pp. 431, ISBN: 9788860811639

2) Lio, G., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., J.-R. Duhame, Sirigu, A. (2019), Digit-tracking as a new tactile interface for visual perception analysis, Nature Communications, 10: 5392, 1-13,

3) Bacchelli, E., Loi, E., Cameli, C., Moi, L., Benedetti, A.F., Blois, S., Fadda, A., Bonora, E., Mattu, S., Fadda, R., Chessa, R., Maestrini, E., Doneddu, G., Zavattari, P. (2019). Analysis of Sardinian Multiplex Family with Autism Spectrum Disorder points to post-synaptic density gene variants and identifies CAPG as a functionally relevant candidate gene. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(2), 212, 1-19.

4) Fadda, R.,Piras, F., Doneddu, G., Saba,L., Masala, C. (2017), Olfactory FunctionAssessment in Italian Subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorder,Chemonsensory Perception,1-8. ISSN 1936-5802, DOI

5) Fadda, R., Parisi, M., Ferretti, L., Saba, G., Foscoliano, M., Salvago, A., Doneddu, G. (2016), Exploring the role of Theory of Mind in Moral Judment: the case of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In F.Baglio, Marchetti, A. (Eds). When (and how) is Theory of mind useful? Evidence from life-span research. Frontiers Media SA. ISBN 978-2-88945101-2. DOI 10.3389/978-2-88945-101-2.

6) Fadda, R., Piras, F., Doneddu, G., Saba, L., Masala, C. (2017), Olfactory Function Assessment in Italian Subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Chemonsensory Perception, 1-8. ISSN 1936-5802, DOI

7) Liberati, A., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., Congiu, S., Javarone, M., Striano, T., Chessa, A. (2017). A Statistical Physics Perspective to Understand Social Visual Attention in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Perception, 0(0), 1-25.

8) Congiu, S., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., Striano, T. (2016). Impaired representational gaze following in children with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 57,11-17.

9) Pelligra, V., Isoni, A., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G. (2015). Theory of mind, perceived intentions and reciprocal behaviour: Evidence from individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Economic Psychology, 49, 95-107.

10) Preti, A., Melis, M., Siddi, S., Vellante, M., Doneddu, G., Fadda, R. (2014). Oxytocin and Autism: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 24(2), 54-68.2

11) Fadda, R., Grosso, I., Doneddu, G. (2013) L’uso delle storie sociali per promuovere l’interazione in classe negli alunni con disturbo dello spettro autistico. Psicologia dell’Educazione, vol. 7(2), 243-260 , ISSN: 1971-3711.

12) Doneddu, G., Fadda, R. (2010). Attenzione congiunta e sviluppo della competenza sociale, Psicologia Contemporanea, 219, 57-63, ISSN 0390-346.

13) Doneddu, G., Fadda, R. (2008). Autismo e sviluppo dell’intelligenza sociale. Psicologia Contemporanea. vol. 208, pp. 6-11, ISSN: 0390-346X.


  • Masala, C., Piras, F., Doneddu, G., Saba, L., Fadda, R. (2016). Olfactory deficits in individuals withAutism Spectrum Disorder, ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA, 217, Supplement 708, 100-100.
  • Piras, F., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., Masala, C. (2015). Olfactory sensitivity in Autism SpectrumDisorder, ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA, 215, Supplement 705, 100-100.
  • Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., Congiu, S., Salvago, A., Frigo, G., Striano, T. (2012). Static gaze directiondetection in children with autism: a developmental perspective. Perception, 41 (supplement), 164.
  • Congiu, S., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., Striano, T. (2016). Gaze-following nei bambini con Disturbodello Spettro Autistico: uno studio di eye-tracking. Oral presentation at the XVI conference of theDevelopmental and Educational Psychology Section AIP, Vicenza, Italy, September 8-12.
  • Fadda, R., Parisi, M., Foscoliano, M., Doneddu, G. (2014). Understanding others ‘mind: alongitudinal-sequential study in typically developing and ASD toddlers. Presentazione orale insimposio su invito al XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, July 3 -5, 2014,Berlin, Germany.
  • Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., Striano, T., Chessa, A., Salvago, A., Frigo, G., Liberati, A. (2010).
  • Compensatory Strategies in Locating Referential Object in Children with ASD: The Contribute ofAn Eye-Tracker Paradigm. Oral presentation at the 9th International Meeting for Autism Research (I.M.F.A.R.). Philadelphia (USA), May 20th–22nd.
  • Fadda, R., Sitzia, E., Doneddu, G., (2009). Assessing Joint Attention in Autism across MultipleSettings. Oral presentation at the 8th International Meeting for Autism Research (I.M.F.A.R.).Chicago (USA). 7-9 Maggio.
  • Doneddu, G., Peruzzi, P. M., Saba, G., Ferretti, L., Marras, S., Fadda R., (2009). Long Term
  • Stability of the Effects of Intensive ABA Intervention in Young Children with ASD in Italy. Oral presentation at the 8th International Meeting for Autism Research (I.M.F.A.R.). Chicago (USA).May 7th–9th.3


Il Dr. Doneddu ha coordinato numerosi progetti di natura interdisciplinare, finalizzati alla diagnosi, all’intervento e alla ricerca scientifica sui Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico.


1) Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., Congiu, S., Saba, G., Ferretti, L., Striano, T. (2016). Contextual influences on Joint Attention skills: new directions from research on Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies, May 26-28, New Orleans.

2) Doneddu, G., Congiu, S., Baldus, G., Corda, G., Serra, D., Ferretti, L., Saba, G., Fadda, R. (2015).Contextual influences on eccentric viewing in young children with ASD. International meeting forAutism Research, 13-16 May, Salt Lake City, Utha, USA.

3) Congiu, S., Fadda, R., Corda, D., Baldus, G., Serra, D., Ferretti, L., Saba,G., Doneddu, G. (2015).Downcast gaze and hypersensitivity to direct gaze in young children with ASD. Internationalmeeting for Autism Research, 13-16 May, Salt Lake City, Utha, USA.

4) Piras, F., Carta, M., Serra, D., Bitti, G., Peltz, M.T., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G. (2014). Clinical relevance of MRI scanning in a sample of 101 ASD individuals: evidences from EEG and MRI findings. Poster presented at the 13th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR),San Sebastiàn, Spain, May 2nd –4th.

5) Valera, P., Zavattari, P., Dessì, F., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G. (2013). Putative role of geo-chemicalenvironmental factors in the frequency of Autism Spectrum Disorders: an ecological study. Posterpresented at the 10th International Autism-Europe Congress. Budapest, 26th-28thSeptember.

6) Fadda, R. , Doneddu, G., Congiu, S., Saba, G., Ferretti, L. (2013). Perception of social cues andjoint attention abilities in children with autism: an eye tracking study. Poster presented at the 10thInternational Autism-Europe Congress. Budapest, 26th-28th September.

7) Simula, D. M., Carta, M., Serra, D., Piras, F., Fadda, R., Pusceddu, P. Sotgiu S. Doneddu G. S. (2013). Electroencephalographic (EEGS) Abnormalities in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Poster presented at the 12th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research(IMFAR). San Sebastiàn, Spain, May 2nd–4th.

8) Zavattari, P., Boccone, L., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G. S (2013). A Genome Wide Association Study inFamilies with more than one child with ASDs. Poster presented at the 12th Annual InternationalMeeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). San Sebastiàn, Spain, May 2nd–4th.

9) Fadda, R., Doneddu, G. S., Congiu, S., Saba, G., Ferretti, L. (2013). Auditory Processing Skills andJoint Attention Abilities in Children with ASDs. Poster presented at the 12th Annual InternationalMeeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). San Sebastiàn, Spain, May 2nd–4th.

10) Fadda,R., Doneddu, G., Congiu, S., Salvago, A., Frigo, G., Striano, T. (2012). Static Gaze DirectionDetection in Children with Autism: a Developmental Perspective. Poster presented at the at theEuropean Conference on Visual Perception, 2nd–6thSeptember 2012, Alghero, Italy.

11) Fadda, R., Congiu, S., Musante, F., Doneddu, G., Salvago, A. (2012). Neglecting the eyesand itscascade effect on joint attention abilities in children with ASDs. Poster presented at the 11th 4 Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Toronto, Canada, May 17th–19th.

12) Foscoliano, M., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., Peruzzi, P.M.,Casano, F., Frigo, G. (2012). PronouncedLateral Glances in Children with ASDs and Parents Perception of Social Abilities in Daily Life.Poster presented at the 11th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Toronto,Canada, May 17th–19th.

13) Doneddu, G., Fadda, R., Ferretti, L., Saba, G., Casano, F., Macchiavello, G. (2012). Exploring moral judgment in high functioning autism: the role of emphaty and theory of mind. Poster presented at 11th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Toronto, Canada, May 17th–19th.

14) Congiu, S., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G. (2012). The Shell Game: Investigating Spontaneous Responseto Gaze Cueing of Attention in Children with High Functioning Autism. Poster presented at the 11thAnnualInternational Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). Toronto, Canada, May 17th–19th.

15) Doneddu, G., Foscoliano, M., Frigo, G., Peruzzi, P. M., Casano, F., Congiu, S., Fadda, R. (2011). Do Lateral Glances Characterize a Specific Autistic Phenotype? Evidences From a Systematic Study. Poster presented at the 10th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). SanDiego, California, May 12th–14th.

16) Ferretti, L., Doneddu, G., Saba, G., Marras, S., Fadda, R. (2011). Symptoms severity and visual attention to the eyes in children with autism: a correlational study. Poster presented at the 10th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). San Diego, California, May 12th-14th.

17) Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., Striano, T., Congiu, S., Frigo, G., Salvago, A. (2011). How Attention to Gaze-Direction Is Captured by Static Pictures In Very Young Children with ASDs: a Time-CourseAnalysis. Poster presented at the 10th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR).San Diego, California, May 12th–14th.

18) Foscoliano, M., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G., Frigo, G., Piu, M. (2011). The Importance of Including Mesures of Joint Attention Abilities In the Clinical Assessment of Very Young Children with ASDs.Poster presented at the 10th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). San Diego,California, May 12th–14th.

19) Liberati, A., Javarone, M., Frigo, G., Salvago, A., Doneddu, G., Fadda, R., Striano, T., Chessa, A. (2011). Levy Flights Search Patterns In Children with ASDs Exploring Social Stimuli. Poster presented at the 10th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). San Diego, California, May 12th-14th.

20) Fadda, R., Siegal,M., Overton, P.G. (2010). Contamination sensitivity in children with autism. Poster presented at the BPSDevelopmental Psychology Section Conference, Goldsmiths, Universityof London (UK), September 12th-15th.5

21) Fadda, R., Doneddu,G., Striano,T., Chessa, A. (2010). Gaze-direction detection in children with autism: an eye-tracker study. Poster presented at the IX International Congress Autism Europe –Afuture for Autism. Catania (Italy), October 8th–10th.

22) Ferretti, L., Doneddu, G., Saba, G., Marras, S., Peruzzi, P.M., Fadda, R. (2010). Stability of Language Improvements One Year After the End of ABA Intervention in ASD Children. Poster presented at the 9th International Meeting for Autism Research (I.M.F.A.R.). Philadelphia (USA),May 20th-22nd.

23) Cavolina, P., Boccone, L., Putzolu, G., Carta, M., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G. (2010). Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) in SMITH-MAGENIS Syndrome (SMS). Poster presented atthe 9th International Meeting for Autism Research (I.M.F.A.R.). Philadelphia (USA), May 20th-22nd.

24) Foscoliano, M., Peruzzi, M.P., Casano, F., Ferretti, L., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G. (2010). The importance of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention in Very Young Children with ASDs for CoreSymptoms and Cognitive Development. Poster presented at the 9th International Meeting forAutism Research (I.M.F.A.R.). Philadelphia (USA). Philadelphia (USA), May 20th–22nd.

25) Mereu, A., Carta, M., Doneddu, G., Fadda, R. (2010). Diagnostic Instruments for EARLY IDENTIFICATION of AUTISM Spectrum Disorders. Poster presented at the 9th International Meeting for Autism Research (I.M.F.A.R.). Philadelphia (USA). Philadelphia (USA), May 20th–22nd.

26) Foscoliano, M., Cavolina, P., Putzolu, G., Vacca, S., Fadda, R., Doneddu, G. (2009). Using the ADI-R Diagnostic Intervew to Profi le the Phenotypic Characteristics In ASD. Poster presented atthe 8th International Meeting for Autism Research (I.M.F.A.R.). Chicago (USA). May 7th–9th.

27) Pelligra, V., Doneddu, G., Isoni, A., Peruzzi,, P.M., Fadda, R. (2009). Social Preferences in High Functioning Autism: The Role of Theory of Mind and Empathy. Poster presented at the 8th International Meeting for Autism Research (I.M.F.A.R.). Chicago (USA). May 7th–9th.

28) Cavolina, P., Doneddu, G., Urgesi, C., Obbili, I., Fadda, R., Manunza, V. (2009). Neuropsychological Characteristics of School-Age Children with High Functioning Autism, PDDNOS and Asperger Syndrome: Performance On the NEPSY-I. Poster presented at the 8th International Meeting for Autism Research (I.M.F.A.R.). Chicago (USA), May 7th–9th.

29) Doneddu G, Fadda R., Ferretti L, Saba G, Marras S, Iacolina M.G, Sitzia E. (2008). The long termeffects of the early intensive A.B.A. intervention on adaptive behavior and IQ in ASD -a longitudinal study on evidence based treatments in Italy. Poster presented at the 7th InternationalMeeting for Autism Research (I.M.F.A.R.). London (UK), May 15th–17th.

30) Fadda R., Parisi M., Doneddu G., Saba G. (2007). Measuring mirror self-recognition in lowfunctioning children with autism. Poster presented at the 6th International Meeting for AutismResearch, Seattle, May3rd–5th.